Download and install Tweet Cards

Install it through:

FlexSlider for Articles module, Joomla


Tweet Cards params

Change the settings for Tweet Cards:



 Note: be sure Status is set as "Enabled" in order to make the plugins work.


The end result

Share the URL of your Joomla articles on Twitter and click "tweet" button:


Your link would turn into a beautiful card showing the article image and description.


Troubleshooting: your article images are not being displayed in your tweets?

When no image is displayed in your tweets, please be sure there is an intro image in your artcile, or an image exists inside the article's content.

If your article has indeed at least one image, edit the file robots.txt (located in and add this syntax at the very end to allow Twitterbot to access your images/ folder:

User-agent: Twitterbot
Allow: /images

Do you need more help? Send us an email