Inner Content

Insert Adsense and Custom HTML to your articles

Go Pro! $21.99 Documentation


Joomla Inner Content

The Inner Content plugin allow you to insert Google Adsense, modules or any custom HTML code between the paragraphs of your Joomla articles.

This helps to monetize more your Joomla site by adding custom snippets inside your contents.

Install the plugin in two steps, then through the plugin parameters paste the Adsense or the custom HTML that would be inserted into single articles.

Inner Content has been tested and works in all major browsers.


Inner Content Features


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Go Pro!
Joomla 3, 4 & 5 compatibility
Professional, private support
Custom HTML Support
Adsense support
Content Prepare Support new
loadposition shortcodes support new
Block to display
Adsense or Custom HTML before article's content
Block to display
Adsense or Custom HTML after article's content
Enable Inner Content for specific article's categories
Number of blocks to display
Adsense or Custom HTML


Number of maximum supported
paragraphs per article


Easy install in 2 steps
Enabled in full articles

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Go Pro!