Multi Layouts

Display articles in different layouts based on category, tags and other filters.

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The Multi Layouts Module will display your articles in different layouts based on category, tags and other filters.


  • Joomla 4 & 5 compatibility
  • Responsive design
  • 4 available layouts
  • Add your own custom layouts as template overrides
  • Filter articles by category, tags and other filters
  • Display by order
  • Choose number of articles to show

Getting started

  1. Create a Multi Layouts module
  2. Choose the categories, tags and/or other filters
  3. Choose one the available layouts. You can add your custom layouts to templates/your-template/html/mod_multi_layouts/ to see them available here. Use the default one as reference.
  4. Optionally exclude current article
  5. Show, exclude or only show featured articles
  6. Optionally enable Trigger plugin events
  7. Do the Menu assignment
  8. Choose a valid module position and publish